Let us help you find the right super yacht purser, with the right management skills & experience, the correct yachting background, the right attitude and with the right personality to compliment your yacht and your crew!
2 solutions on offer!
We offer you the ability to choose to use our placement service or to post your own jobs to this website.
We currently use the database of our main site www.yachtchefs.com to register and list jobs for Purser roles as well as listing them here on this site.
March 2024: Due to the success of our Yacht Chef website YachtChefs.com we have expanded our offering. This is in response to requests from Captains, Pursers and Chief Stews asking us to assist them with finding new jobs in the SuperYacht Industry.
We now have a network of 5 specialist websites covering Captains, Pursers, Chief Stews, Chefs and land based key positions.
2 services on offer:
Post your own jobs and manage the response yourself. CONFIDENTIAL posting available if you prefer to remain anonymous.
Either choose a single job post or ask us about an annual account to post multiple job posts across our network.
You would have one account on our central database and then list jobs as and when they arise.
(Note: We currently use the database of our main site www.yachtchefs.com to register and list jobs for all roles as well as listing them on the specialist site.)
The annual account is available so you can post multiple jobs to our network of sites. This account is great if you want to advertise jobs for captains, pursers, chief stews and chefs
Use our agency placement service if you prefer this option. Contact us to discuss this further.
You can contact us with the details of the position you are looking to fill by email at purser (at) yachtpursers.com or by telephone:
Contact Details – Telephone:
For job services contact our Antibes based Recommended Consultant: Efrem Leigh in Antibes +33 (0)6 65 99 11 14
Efrem Leigh is MLC Compliant and a registered Crew Agent in France on Registre national des services privés de recrutement et de placement des gens de mer (SPRPGM).
(Telephones for our offices are manned during 0900-1700 GMT time, outside these hours please leave message and we will contact you or can email us. RECRUITERS ONLY: for out of hours captain requests please contact us by email )
We look forward to hearing from you!
SuperYacht & Villa Recruitment Solutions